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Ways you can give



You can give during the worship service, or even drop your offering off at the office during the week.


Giving online is safe, fast, and easy. We use a platform called Adventist Giving. When you give via ACH, 100% of your donation goes where you want it to go.


Adventist Giving has an app for your iPhone or Android devices. Find it in the App Store or Google Play Store.

Why Giving is Important

We believe in keeping God our top priority, Which means trusting Him with our priorities. Trusting God is easier said than done, especially in the realm of finances; our finances.  The problem is we think it's our money when in reality it’s God's. And, because everything belongs to Him, He simply asks us to be faithful stewards.


So what is a steward?  A steward is simply a supervisor, a foreman, a CFO if you will.  God asks us to be faithful supervisors of His money, His children, His families and His church.  



In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, tithe (10%), leaves the local church and becomes global, helping fund ministers around the world. 

Offerings, however, go to fund ministries locally and globally.  So, when filling out an offering envelope, take some time to fill out which ministry you would like to give to.  




There are four ways to give tithes and offerings, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you.


1. Online via Adventist Giving - Since you're already online, the fastest and easiest way to give is right here.  We've made online giving easier and faster using a service called Adventist Giving.  You can also set up recurring gifts so you can set it up one time and every month or week it will give the specified amount.  


2.  Mobile Giving from your phone - You can give on any smartphone using the Adventist Giving App as well.

Click here to download AG for Apple Devices

Click here to download AG for Android Devices

3. Mail - You can always mail your tithes and offerings.  If you would like an offering envelope, just let us know. Or simply write a note letting us know how you want your offering divided.  Simply make your check out to the Billings Seventh-day Adventist Church.


Billings Seventh-day Adventist Church

3200 Broadwater Avenue

Billings, MT 59102


4. Church Giving - You can give at the offering time during the worship service on Sabbath morning.  You can also put your offering in the Offering Box located in the hallway, just left of the Welcome Center.


If you ever have any questions regarding tithes and offerings, just give us a call or email and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have.




3200 Broadwater Ave

Billings, Montana 59102

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